Tuesday, March 31, 2009

knock wood...

i am growing very hesitant to say that my mother had a good day.  it seems every time i post that, the next day is 'not so good'.  

what the heck....my mom had a better day today.  her blood numbers are the absolute envy of the BMTU (that's bone marrow transplant unit for you lucky folks that have never been).  the doctor said if she was eating and ambulatory she could go home with these numbers. 

whaaaaatttttttt?  home?

not so fast......she is still getting IV nutrition and hasn't had the energy to do much of the physical therapy it will take for her to be truly ambulatory.  that HAS to become her focus. today the doctor basically told her it was "up to her" when she would get to go home. the infections seem to be subsiding.  as of this posting, she has gone over 24 hours without a fever.  they've checked her for blood clots and that was ok. they're even gradually stopping the different antibiotics. 

not coincidentally, my mom's doctor did morning rounds in march but does not do them in april.  another sign that she "really" doesn't need him anymore on a daily basis.  (i'm all about those 'little' signs).

i am throwing caution to the wind and declaring "progress"!  

there.  i said it.  (i'm knocking on the faux-wood desk.)  now, everyone can focus on eating and activity prayers.  those are the two things that will lead her home.  

thanks again for the thoughts and cards.....i think there were about 15 today.  the other patients are jealous....;-)

"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating."
- Luciano Pavarotti 

(i think my brother, chris, has that on a t-shirt).


Monday, March 30, 2009

two steps forward, one step back...

a tough day for the old bird (as i fondly call my mother).  it seems that her infection (or effects of the infection) has found its way to her lungs and is causing some problems with her breathing.  she has been on increased oxygen all day today as the doctors compensate for the reduced capacity of her lungs.  her blood numbers continue to improve, but they called in a pulmonary specialist to take a look at the results of a CT-scan and see what might be the course of action for the lungs.  they ruled out blood clots or any "new" infection so they are continuing her course of antibiotics and "watching".  evidently, this is not an uncommon side effect.  sitting and watching, however, can be difficult.  

if there was a bright side, my mom got to sleep most of the day (after being awake most of the night).  i wouldn't recommend that kind of sleep, but it made her more comfortable.  i liked the nurse today - kady.  for the most part, my mom has had tremendous care from the nurses.  sure, she has her favorites but, today, i think we had the right nurse at the right time.  she was determined to get my mother comfortable.  i like that.  it takes a special gift to be a nurse.  

on the home front, my mom and dad's freezer went out so my brother, todd, got to empty it's contents and make a trip to the dumpster.....nice.  i think the 4 of us (boys) are planning a little condo cleaning this weekend at their place.  yeah, you read that right....4 boys going to clean.  eat your hearts out ladies.  

we'll take a leaf blower and some clorox wipes.....that's all you need, right?

again, thank you for the kind thoughts and prayers.  speaking of prayers, the minister stopped by the hospital to see my mom today.  i'm sure she "knew" he was there. (not) coincidentally, i saw him tonight at church.  we were doing a final rehearsal for tuesday night's Stations of the Cross presentation (8pm hyde park community united methodist church - wink, wink).  this was the first time this year that i had seen it from start to finish.  there was something about sitting and watching the Passion story that made me think of my mother.  no, i'm not really comparing my mother to Jesus.  i just felt like an onlooker watching somebody that they loved suffer.  helpless.  afraid.  

"And when they led Him away, they laid hold of one Simon of Cyrene, coming in from the country, and placed on him the cross to carry behind Jesus."
 - Luke 23:26

i need to look for that Cross in my mom's room tomorrow....

tim (of madeira)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

a possibilitarian?

a better day today for my mom.  it seems that her elevating blood counts are helping her cope with the ongoing fever and infections.  she is still very run down and sleeps a lot but she is visibly better than yesterday (and that's really the goal everyday).  she got some more blood today (she keeps asking for the blood of a very young, healthy person).

i spent some time this afternoon watching her and my dad (both) sleep in the hospital room.  i'm sure my dad will need a chiropractor when my mom gets out of the hospital.  i did talk to the nurse when she came in about every 30 minutes to either give my mom medicine, change an IV or take vital signs.  i also managed to do a few more sudokus......i'm glad my brother bought a big book of them.

i'm looking forward to my mom's doctor being back tomorrow.  there was a lot of changing of meds over the weekend and it will be nice to hear his appraisal of her progress.  her white blood cells doubled again.  who knows what tomorrow brings?
my mother is growing used to her newly shone melon.....since she has had the fever the last couple days, she spent most of the time with a cool washcloth on top of her head (which was a sight, indeed).  today she went "commando" (if you can do that with your scalp).  i have gotten a few suggestions of 'famous bald people' i left out of my collage the other day......most notably elmer fudd.  i tried to keep them all photographs not cartoons....something to do with the gestalt of the design. there may be more artwork in the future.

anyhoo...keep up the positive thoughts and prayers.  i can feel a momentum growing that will have her putting a string of good days together this week. 

"Become a possibilitarian.  No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities - always see them, for they're always there."
- Norman Vincent Peale


Saturday, March 28, 2009

and miles to go before i sleep....

another tough day for my mom.  while they have the leukemia in check for the time being, she is very sick from the treatment.  they have changed around her medications but can't seem to get her on the right track.  despite improvement in her blood numbers, she has not really made progress in feeling any better.  she is still running a fever most of the time.

i honestly think the doctors don't quite know what to do and keep adjusting the antibiotics and pumping the tylenol to manage her fever.  since her throat has cleared up somewhat, she is eating a few more soft foods.  her stomach hasn't fully adjusted to the change.

she wants so badly to feel better.  she's tired.  very tired.  please pray with me as we help her weather this latest storm.  she appreciates all the thoughts and prayers.  as do my dad, my brothers, and me.

"For to be poised against fatality, to meet adverse conditions gracefully, is more than simple endurance; it is an act of aggression, a positive triumph." 
- Thomas Mann


i have no excuse.

writing this blog is a privilege.  it's a chance for me to get to "offload" some info about my mom each day.  

yesterday, i think i forgot that the blog wasn't just for me.  i was reminded that a lot of people read the blog each morning to see how my mom is doing and not (totally) to see what weird thing i'm gonna write.

i received a couple of emails that "reminded" me that i didn't give any update on my mom.  well, her white blood cells continue to climb.  the doctor thought that an infection associated with her central line may be the cause of her recurrent fever.  late yesterday, they removed it and replaced it with a PICC line (i think a description is in the central line link).  hopefully, this will help with the infection/fevers.  

the fevers are starting to concern the doctors a little more each day and they may choose to change her medication yet again.  there seems to be some disagreement(?) among the medical team on whether they should use a specific drug to help her generate white blood cells.  we'll see where that ends up.

again, sorry for forgetting to update everyone on her progress.  i, honestly, got to laughing a lot with the "bald picture" and took the easy route.  sorry.

please continue the prayers/thoughts/cards/posts/emails.  they all are SO helpful to my mom.

"Never ruin an apology with an excuse."
- Kimberly Johnson

many blessings,

Friday, March 27, 2009

my favorite bald people....

"When fate hands us a lemon, let's try to make lemonade."
- Andrew Carnegie


Thursday, March 26, 2009

mrs. clean

things started looking up when the nurse practitioner "bounced" into the room this morning at about 7:30.  she was the first (of many) to stop by and report that my mother's white blood cell count had....wait for it......DOUBLED!  almost as she was saying it, my mother perked up.  you have to understand that all day she stares at a whiteboard with her "counts" posted on it.  for the last two and a half weeks her white blood count has hovered around .2 (000s).  today it was .5!  and, as expected with the count increase, her mouth is beginning to clear up.  far from clear, but "better".  still a lot of progress to be made but, oh, do we love positive steps.

she is still fighting a recurrent fever but, in the words of her doctor today, "people don't die here from fevers".  another classic, straight to the heart of the matter comment from the doc.  priceless.  hopefully the counts will continue to improve.  this was day 22 and the average hospital stay is 28 days.  her original goal was to be home (and healthier) by Easter.  that would be day 39.  doesn't she encourage us to set aggressive goals?  i suppose i'll cut her some slack.  let's root for blowing the goal away....

the head was officially shaved today.  unfortunately, i wasn't there to visually document the shaving.  i will, however, capture a nice image of it tomorrow.  i may have a rare "midday" post.  i'm taking my black & decker hand buffer with me to the hospital.....can you say spit-polish?

my dad actually chewed his leash and went to choir tonight.  it's great that he's getting out more.  if you have my dad's cell phone number (and some of you do), call him and invite him to lunch.  as my mother's condition improves, he is more likely to leave her side for a meal or two.

today i got a fair amount of messages from the (old) teachers at forest park high school.  my mother's circle of impact is vast.  keep the comments, cards, and emails coming.  i have a great many to share with mrs. clean tomorrow.

i'm going to bed (or maybe watch the duke game) so i can get to the hospital early.  my daughter is enjoying the early hospital visits because that means she gets a ride to school.....spoiled.  (maybe someday i'll need her to take care of me in the hospital).

many blessings,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

mr. freeze?

another "not so good" day.  it started over night when her temperature spiked to 103.  the nurses had the cold rags and ice bags working through the night.  when i got there about 7:15, she was still running a pretty good fever but she was able to get some sleep.  i was able to finish about 8 or 9 sudoku puzzles as i watched her sleep.  i dawned on me that i hadn't EVER spent that much time watching my mom sleep.  weird.  she was SO tired, she didn't even talk in her sleep.  weirder.

as the day progressed, the doctor changed her antibiotics and pain medication a little.  they are still trying to make sure she stays infection free during the recovery process.  for all those interested in the throat issue, i found this link to webmd that talks about the oral side effects of chemotherapy.  (i understood about every 3rd word).

again, my mom didn't feel up to getting her head shaved (i know we can all relate to that).  maybe tomorrow.  if she waits much longer, a tweezers will do the trick.  if you can't wait any longer for a picture, i posted a reasonable facsimile below.  (I had a link to it, but i guess it wasn't working for everyone).  that's about what it will be like - without the eyebrows.  the resemblance is uncanny.

hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.  she wants so badly to string some good days together.  my dad said she was feeling better when he left tonight.  that's a good sign.  i'll stop in on her in the morning.  for tonight, i'll pray a little more.

keep those cards and letters coming.....

"Let your mind start a journey thru a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be...Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before."
- Erich Fromm (don't confuse this with lyrics from Phantom)


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

day 20 and the "before"

another day, another sore throat.  my mom, despite positive momentum, still is bothered by the throat (ok, tim, enough about the throat.  we got it 7 posts ago).

hey! cut me some slack.  when espn doesn't have new stuff to talk about, they run the same story about A-Rod or Tiger..... i'm just sayin'.

anyway, i was at the hospital for rounds this morning.  the doctor's visits in the room are very "routine".  it goes something like this:

doc:  "how are you feeling today?"
mom:  "ok.  my throat still hurts a lot."
doc:  "it's gonna be that way until your white blood cells come back."
mom:  "when will that be?"
doc:  "soon.  it's hard to say.  people are different.  the average person stays for about 28 day, you're on day X so BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH..."
mom: (sigh)
doc:  "any other questions?  you're looking good"
mom: "i wish my throat felt better."
doc:  "it will. any other questions?"
mom:  "no. (but my throat hurts)"
doc:  "see you tomorrow."

record that conversation and push "play" and you have the daily doctor visit.  today was a little off-script.  it went more like this:

doc:  "how are you feeling today?"
mom:  "ok.  my throat still hurts a lot."
doc:   "at least you're on the right side of the dirt."


he is now an official member of the philpott family.  sarcasm and all. don't misunderstand.  he wasn't being flippant.  somehow, he knows my mom doesn't like pushing the "play" button so he punched "random".  anything to break up the routine.  i like him.

with the sore throat and fever she has been fighting, this wasn't the best day for my mom.  the good days are outnumbering the bad, but this wasn't one of the good days.  maybe tomorrow.  she didn't get her hair cut off today.  she wanted me to take a picture of the "before".  she said it was ok to post.  so i did. the hair will come off on wednesday, i'm sure.  stay tuned for the after.

one of my friends from growing up in forest park suggested i read the book "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch.  i was at the bookstore today and looked for it. it's a children's book (or it's in that section).  after i read it, i bought it and shared it with my mom. it should be required reading for every son who loves his mom.  i think i may get a copy for my brothers (and maybe my kids).  thanks, mary jo.

thanks for the prayers and support.

"We're all born bald, baby"
- Telly Savalas


p.s.  mrs. swisshelm, commenting on the blog is pretty straight-forward.  i have confidence in you.  your cards are wonderful and my mom loves them, but i know you can conquer the technology and post a comment.   click on # comments at the end of the message.  write your message in the box that comes up.  choose Name/URL from the "Comment as" drop down menu.  it will ask for a name and url.  enter your name (leave url blank) and hit "continue".  then hit "post comment".  hope that works.

Monday, March 23, 2009

the wait is on...

short and sweet today (like my mother).

generally a good day.  my mom's energy is focused on making her mouth and throat better.  her being able to swallow is what is standing in the way of her getting off her IV nourishment.  you know your throat is sore when drinking cold liquids hurts. more crucial is that it is inhibiting her ability to talk on the phone much.  imagine char philpott at a loss for words....if i haven't been seeing it, i wouldn't believe it.  she does most of her talking now in her sleep.

the pastoral forces were at work today as my mom got visits from our senior pastor and rabbi elena.  those always perk her up a little.  i saw her for a while this morning.  for those of you in the pool, the hair will be out tomorrow.  she probably would have had them shave her head today but she promised one of the patient care assistants that she could shave it tomorrow.  she wanted it shaved today but was determined to stand by her word.  

now....more waiting.  ever since we were kids, waiting has been hard.

"I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning."
- J. B. Priestley

many blessings,

Sunday, March 22, 2009

long live the queen.....

i mentioned that my parents go to the same church that we do.  today, like the last couple sundays, my dad went to the hospital instead of church (he still gets his prayers in - trust me). so i'm standing with the rest of the choir in the narthex waiting to process into the 11:00 service when my cell phone rings. my cell phone NEVER rings on sunday morning.  i look at the caller id and see it's the hospital calling. geesh....must be something wrong. as i said, my dad KNOWS that at 10:59 i'm ready to go.  i miss the call.  crap.  i dial the hospital room back.  busy.

double crap.  i call again.

my dad answers.  everything is ok.  the doctor had been in and had shared the results of my mother's bone marrow test.


i should have recognized the tired relief in my father's voice.  i also should have recognized the excitement.  if you know my father, excitement doesn't always "show" with him.  i could tell you stories.......but, alas, i digress.

as you can imagine, the news was a huge relief for my mother (and father). another step towards recovery.  a BIG step.  i was only at the hospital for a short time today.  maggie and i stopped by to take my dad to a celebratory lunch.  i'll learn more about the next steps tomorrow.

i will never doubt that the prayer and thoughts of all of my mom's friends (and friends of friends) played a HUGE part in the positive step.  there have been a few times in the last few weeks when the cards/prayers were the biggest things encouraging her to fight like she has.  

maggie and i looked for a purple beret at the mall today.  the nurses have forecasted majority of hair loss by tuesday. (sorry no pictures) we couldn't find any good looking purple hats (my mom loves purple things).  i'll have to go on the internet and order something like the picture above.  maggie wants to get it personalized for her.....we can take suggestions there, too.  i'm thinking "char-baby" or "playa".  anyone?

thanks for the prayers and support.  the journey isn't over, but positive steps feel great.

"The greatest wealth is health"
- Virgil

i feel like the richest man in the world.  long live the queen.....


Saturday, March 21, 2009

blood clots, hair and happiness

not much happens on the weekends in the hospital.  it's kinda like they push the "hold" button until monday.  sure, the nurses are great and medicine still gets distributed, although the nurses are a little less familiar and everything seems to be in slow motion.  

so went another saturday for my mom.  today was a good day.  she was able to clear a couple of the blood blisters/clots in her mouth (eew, gross) and they didn't bleed again.  you can't begin to understand how exciting that is for her.  so much of the ongoing pain she has is associated with how raw her mouth has been.  hopefully, things are looking up.

it looks like it will be monday when they get the remainder of the bone marrow test results.  the doctor had a few today but, without the others, didn't want to make any firm commitments although the partial he had seen has been "promising".  (i don't understand this doctor stuff)  see my mother-in-law's comment on yesterday's post for her opinion of test results.

the high part of the day, really, was my brother, chris, getting my dad a new laptop and wireless router. my mom was excited about how happy he was.  it's her birthday present for him.  (i reminded her that i use Macs and my birthday is in november).

the mail doesn't get delivered on saturdays, but i was able to pass on some nice emails and comments to her.  that is always fun.  thanks again.

i hope the throat continues to get better.  she is starting to lose her hair.  if you didn't know her, you really can't tell, yet.  if you have seen her everyday, you can tell.  she wanted me to take a picture of her with hair because "the grandkids want to see me lose my hair".  i hadn't heard that.  i'll get a picture tomorrow and ask her if i can post it.  if not, i'll just post this picture of her when she was younger.  she had great hair then, didn't she?

ok, that may have been over the line....sorry, kids.  i'm just happy she felt better today.

"Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory."
- Albert Schweitzer

many blessings,

Friday, March 20, 2009

Queen Charlotte

when exactly did "bowel movements" lead the list of conversations i would have with my mother?  maybe if i was 3.  how about with the oncologist?  that's how i started my day.  her progress, apparently, takes many forms. (pun intended)

i decided to drag my butt to the hospital early this morning.  i had the pleasure of being there at about 7:15 when the nurse shift changed.  no less than 3 nurses (who weren't my mom's) stopped by to say hello and "check-in" on my mom before they went home.  my mother seems to draw everyone in to her world.   they call her Queen Charlotte.  when she is sitting in the chair with her pillows propping up her arms, magic wand in hand, she does look a little regal.  (i'll deny it if you tell her i said it.)

my mom's pneumonia continues to be a problem for her.  she has a sharp pain in her left side.  it is keeping her from doing hardcore breathing exercises and, generally, making her a little more miserable.  pain medicine is her friend.

no word on the bone marrow test today.  they said "maybe" friday so it wasn't a total surprise.  her oncologist is "on" this weekend so he'll be around.  hopefully, we'll find out something soon.  while she doesn't mention it, i'm sure it's on her mind.

thanks, again, for the thought and prayers.  i'm not sure i can ever thank people enough.

i'll try.

"The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you."
- John E. Southard

many blessings,
her majesty's (humble) servant

more pneumonia...

for as long as i can remember, my mom has been prone to pneumonia.  today, her pneumonia worsened.  a chest x-ray confirmed that her left lung, in particular, has re-developed pneumonia.  this has brought about a new drug and a sharp pain on her left side.  she continues to face a series of small "hurdles" on her road to recovery.  the doctors have increased her regular pain medication to deal with this (and her continual throat pain).  of course, this has brought on more "lively" conversations.  if you thought my mom said funny things without drugs, you should hear her now.  i think she may have bought another piano.....

during my visit today, she decided to call the folks at work.  just talking to them seemed to cheer her up and let her re-connect with the "goings-on" of the ABLE/GED program.  i've never REALLY understood what she does at work.  it turns out there is a website that explains it.  who knew?  all i know is that the students/staff there has sent some of the nicest thoughts/cards/prayers to my mom.  i think my brother, todd, stopped down there today.

my mom is anxiously awaiting the results of her bone marrow test.  the doctor hopes to have results on friday.  i think i'll try to go to the hospital early so i can be there when the doctor does his rounds.  the results will determine whether they got all of the "bad stuff" in her blood or whether they need to do more chemo.  

i got a chance to go to choir practice tonight and update everyone on my mom. my parents have been going to the same church for the last few years and my dad actually sings in the choir as well.  they have been great with their thoughts and prayers and continue to look for ways to support my parents.  

please pray for my parents as they get this "news" about their next phase of the journey. not just prayers for good outcomes, but prayers for strength no matter the outcome. 

"Always remember, there is more strength in you than you ever realized or even imagined.  Certainly nothing can keep you down if you are determined to get on top of things and stay there."
- Norman Vincent Peale

many blessings and thanks,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Grandmother's Hugs and Magic Wands

she almost got me to cry tonight.  almost.

you might remember a few days ago, my cousin sent a picture of my mother's grandmother.   tonight, after my dad left, i got to hear about my great-grandmother and what a wonderful, kind, loving person she was.  "she gave the best hugs ever". i could totally see the love my mother was feeling in her tired eyes.  a hint of melancholy but mostly a general fondness for days (and people) gone by.  i wonder what my kids will say about my mom in 65 years. probably the same thing.

(she almost got me again)

she had her bone marrow test today without any incident. while drugs certainly played their part, she says the test spot from 16 days ago still hurts worse.  along with the bone marrow test, she got some more blood and platelets.  dracula would be envious of her "diet". throw in some pain medicine for her throat and tylenol for her recurrent fever and you have the pharmicist's "project" that is my mother these days.  hopefully, we'll get the (positive) results of the bone marrow test on friday.

probably the high point of the day (not counting my visit) was getting the princess wand (pictured above).  early in her hospital stay, nurse becky was carrying a "magic wand" during morning rounds.  since that day, my mother has coveted it. my dad got my mother her own wand today.  it makes a special "magic healing noise".  she waves it a lot.

nighttime could be the most difficult time for my mother.  she feels most alone.  it's quiet and she sleeps on and off.  what must she think?  i hope the thoughts and prayers of her family and friends are heard. they are needed.  before i left tonight, i waved the magic wand over her.  i know it helps.

"I had become, with the approach of night, once more aware of loneliness and time - those two companions without whom no journey can yield us anything" - Lawrence Durrell


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 14 is at hand....

the fever continues to come and go for my mom.  the blend of antibiotics and pain medication is taking it's toll on her attitude.  i think she is struggling to stay positive with all the obstacles being placed in her path.  while she is still on IV nourishment, she would like to be able to eat more.  unfortunately, her throat is in such a painful state, she can only get down the softest of foods.  while vanilla pudding, applesauce, popsicles, and jello might sound like a interesting diet, she longs to be able to get down some trusty bob evans' roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans.

on wednesday, she gets another bone marrow scan (day 14 already).  this will tell us how the chemo did with the leukemia and help determine the next course of action.  my mom, between fever moments, is not looking forward to this test.  in addition to the expected anxiety over the results is the experience from 2 weeks ago when a similar test was very painful for her (her hip still hurts from that procedure).  nonetheless, this bone marrow test is just the next step of the journey.  prayers here for courage, comfort, and positive results would be appreciated.

we had another good day of reading cards/notes/posts.  many of you are asking about when would be a good time for visitors.  unfortunately, we're still keeping a pretty tight hold on the guest list.  her immune system is not there and the drugs make her pretty groggy.  she's generally uncomfortable all of the time.  while she continues to be quite the conversationalist, her throat is even limiting that.  we are anxious to have more people visit.  it seems like any time people are there, even new people, she perks up and "holds court" a little.  as soon as it seems the right time, we'll have more people "over for a spell".  she misses her normal social interactions.  my parents missed their dinner club last saturday.  they've been going to dinner with that group for years and i can count the times they have missed on one hand probably.

if everyone could say a little prayer around 11:00am on wednesday when my mom is getting her bone marrow test, that would be awesome (like my mom).  i'm not sure when the results are available, but i would think it will be a couple of days.

the days seem longer and the waiting is difficult.  it is only with the support of her family and friends that my mom is battling like she needs to.  my father and brothers can't even begin to thank people for the positive thoughts and prayers. the bag that holds all the notes is literally busting at the sides in her hospital room.

quite simply....thank you.


Monday, March 16, 2009

"Old People Smell"

The ups and downs continue for my mom. another spiked temperature and chest x-ray overnight.  during the day on monday, they found a new infection in her blood that they think is causing the temperature spikes.  she had another spike during the day today.  i think they are affecting her more emotionally than physically (although running a fever isn't any fun).  the conditions aren't that serious, but it just seems like there is one thing after another.  it is wearing on both her and my dad.  they long for a day without incident.

it was a big day otherwise.  have you ever gone on a camping trip or some trip when you never felt really "clean" the whole time?  well, today my mom got her first real shower since being in the hospital.  is that too much information?  the patient care assistant had to tell her to get out because she would have stayed in there all day.  she is very afraid of developing what she is calling "old people smell".  she has asked every nurse if they think old people smell....how do you respond to that?

her throat is still very sore and swallowing continues to be a hardship.  the doctor told her that it was going to be a week or two before her body could heal the tenderness there.  if you're thinking that a sore throat has dampened her ability to talk, you would be WRONG.  ask anybody at the hospital.  that's right......anybody.

today was a generous mail day for her.  she got a big envelope of cards/letters from the students/teachers that she works with (there's that dangling preposition again - shh).  i had a few emails/posts to read as well.  along with another stack of cards, it took my dad and i about 30 minutes to make it through them.  if anybody wonders why my mom still teaches at age 76, i'll post a couple of those notes.   the word continues to spread that she is in the hospital and messages keep coming in from far and wide.

my cousin, missy, sent my mom a picture (posted above) of her grandmother and her grandmother's brothers and sisters.  she asked my mom to help identify who was who.  (my great-grandmother is on the far left).  i'm betting those women could make some great fried chicken and pie.  i'm pretty sure my aunt irma could have done it, but it gave my mom a nice memory activity and an opportunity to show the nurses a picture of her grandmother.  i guess the "nose" picture was getting a little dog-eared.

continued prayers for her progress are always appreciated.  she feels the presence every day.

many blessings,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Oh, Yeah!" she said drowsily....

we're in the waiting period after chemo and not much changes with my mom on a daily basis.  she ran a fever overnight and caused a little "extra" attention from the overnight resident and nurses.  with her immune system being what it is, they take her temperature quite frequently to make sure they notice the slightest sign of any infection.  they took a chest x-ray and continued with the IV anti-biotics.  by dawn she was feeling better.  she waited until 7:01am to call our house to talk to my dad. no worries, we were up.  (as my dad would say "we were up...we had to get up to answer the phone").  her temperature stayed close to normal all day and the chest x-ray didn't reveal any new issues.  just one of those things that happen during the process we're in (please don't tell my mother i ended a sentence with a preposition.....it's late).

today's main issue was a bloody nose (i know...eeeewww).  her platelets are very low. so once it starts, it's difficult to get it to stop.  she battled that most of the day until they gave her some more platelets.  they felt that would help it stop.

her throat is very sore so eating remains a little difficult.  swallowing is quite painful.  at one point she said that a root beer float would taste good.  so my dad ran to UDF and got a diet A&W and put it with some sugar-free ice cream they had in her unit.  she managed a few bites/drinks of that.  her (non-IV) diet now consists of mostly lemon ice, sugar free pudding and iced tea with an occasional boost.  

"Oh, Yeah!"

my mom says funny things when she has pain medication.  it makes us laugh a little (in a very respectful way, of course).  today she told me and greg that she just bought a new piano.  i asked her "what color"?  she said she didn't know.  i told her it was odd she would make such a major purchase and not even know what color it was.....

don't think that my mom is not fully lucid MOST of the time.  she is.  it's that short period right after she takes the pain medication that, even my dad would admit, makes us smile.  we're trying to smile more.  that has to help...right?

who knows what tomorrow brings?  what is that little quote that is going around now? "yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift....that's why they call it the present" (or something).  i used to think that saying was just for coffee mugs and bookmarks.  not so surprisingly, i find myself appreciating the present more lately.

as always, thanks for the continued prayers, posts, cards and emails.  they mean a lot.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

greg got a haircut! (oh, and my mom's good)

another day on the journey, another brick in the wall.  i think today was good because it's saturday again and last saturday was a low point.  it was also good because we all got to visit and weren't busy with work.  

as usual, my dad was up and out early to the hospital.  my mom, i'm sure, was anxious to see him.  since my mom has been retaining a lot of fluid, the doctors gave her a diuretic to help things get "going".  well, going they got and my mom was up quite frequently during the night.  i think the doctors are in cahoots with the exercise therapists to get her moving around more.  my mom would prefer to play that game during the day, however.  if you can imagine this, they are trying to get 2 lbs (net) of fluid off each day.  that's what i call a liquid "diet".

when i got to the hospital this afternoon, my brothers, chris and greg, were there with my mom and dad.  my dad had left for a little bit to see drew play basketball. (my mom makes him go).  so we were all there watching my mom stare down a plateful of stir-fry vegetables and rice.  my mom didn't eat it because she said it was too spicy.  now...what are the odds of the hospital serving really spicy foods? my mom thinks ketchup (or catsup as she says) is spicy.  i think she did manage down a roll, lemon ice, and pudding.  progress.

it must have been a good day if the only real update is that my brother greg finally got his hair cut.  it was approaching 1970s, vintage greg philpott (i wish i had a picture to post).  

keep the prayers coming.  my mom gets out her prayer shawl and reads the bible everyday.  it must be helping.  i'm printing out the posts/emails and taking them to her.  they didn't deliver mail to her today (and i suspect they may not tomorrow). monday looks to be a heavy mail day.

thanks to all for the positive thoughts.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Nurses or Angels?

a good friday....my mom and i spent about 5 hours together today as my dad got out for some errands (doctor's appt., haircut, lunch, swing by the condo).  i think he needed a little time away from the hospital.  he has pretty much been by my mom's side from dawn to dusk since she went in.

my mom ate better today and, for the first time in a few days, was up and down out of bed.  also, the physical therapists were in to give her a regiment of exercises she could do in her bed - mostly simple leg and arm exercises.  if you didn't know better, and saw her from a distance, you'd think she was practicing cheers or watching a sporting event on tv.  it gives me great joy to remind her to do the exercises or breathe into the little breathing device they gave her.

i would say her condition is fairly stable.  she is finished with the chemo drugs and is in recovery mode.  now we wait.

reading cards and notes was fun today.  there was a big stack of cards that came in the mail and plenty of emails and blog posts to read.  she only had me make a few phone calls.  she's still not up to talking a lot on the phone (that will come) so i get to talk and basically repeat what she is telling me.  (i'm gonna start dialing and handing her the phone).

there was a "strange" moment this morning.  my mom was tired and told me she wanted to have a "conversation with the Lord".  i think that's code for "stop talking to me because i'm gonna sleep a minute or two".  not ten minutes after she nodded off, the chaplain appeared at the door.  not two minutes after that, a nurse i had not met appeared.  her name was "Angel".  my mom's nurse was also mentoring a new nurse - who came in.  his name was "Peter".  so my mom says she's gonna have a conversation with God and then a chaplain, angel and peter show up....now you have to admit, that's a little eerie.  i'm just sayin'.

as always, thanks for the prayers.  i truly believe my mom is overwhelmed at how many people are reaching out to her.  "there are so many good people in the world - i think we're gonna be alright".  she continues to be a woman of great faith.

keep the prayers, cards and notes coming.  she loves them all.  

here's to a good weekend.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Room, Less Meds and the "Nose"

today brought little in terms of "excitement".  the main goal of today was to get my mom out of the intensive care room and back to a "regular" room.  that finally got accomplished around 3:00 this afternoon. she moved a total of about 35 feet FROM room #3304 TO room #3305. this was the first time her feet hit the floor in the last 5 days.  luckily, if she sits in the right place, she can still keep a keen eye on the nurses station.

the visitors are starting to come back in greater numbers.  i joked yesterday that the professional spirituality quotient was high....well, i think we topped it today. there was actually a rabbi, a chaplain, a methodist minister, and a parish visitor. the prayers were loud and proud (can i get an AMEN?).  the comments on the blog, the greeting cards as well as email and facebook messages are all bringing my mom a smile.  my mom's co-workers sent one of those cards where everyone signs it and writes something funny....loved it. while she hasn't wanted a lot of visitors, you would never know it when they show up.  all of a sudden her personality kicks up a notch.  it's fun to watch.  

i posted a message and the above picture on the facebook group from my high school graduating class.  my mom was on the school board when i graduated so she got to give me my diploma.  doesn't she look happy?  don't i look like i have a really big nose?  anyway, my high school classmates have sent me a bunch of emails and you can read some posts here.  everybody knows my mom.

medically, she finished her last IV of chemotherapy drug.  they continue to take out/off different IVs and "spigots". she also got the oxygen taken off today.  they are still adding some nutrients via IV (like calcium and magnesium) when she needs it but, with the chemo done, IVs should continue to go away.   tonight, she had fish for dinner and is slowly getting her appetite back.  

thanks for the prayers and thoughts.  do me a favor and slip in a little prayer for my dad.  these are very long days for him, too.  

the "nose"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Phone Calls and Clergy....

the last few days have brought some nice progress with my mom.  my dad and i were to the hospital early today.  as always, my mother was glad to see us.  she is definitely getting her spunk back (a little).  she was awake most of the morning and fairly chatty about the nurses and general level of care.  

chris, my dad and i were there for the morning rounds.  the doctor had only good things to say about her on his rounds.  as of tonight (wed), she is beginning her final 24 hours of the chemotherapy drug.  her white blood cells are very close to where they need to be and they keep managing the other aspects of her blood as needed (i think she got some platelets today). she also is starting to get rid of some of the fluid she has retained.  she has described her hands as those of the pillsbury dough boy.  following a couple of very tough days, she is falling in line with other "typical" patients on the bone marrow ward.  so much so, that they are moving her back to a regular room on the ward.  i think she will miss the view of the nurses station and all the activity.  she's also going to miss the fancy bed that they give to ICU patients.  

she also started eating a little today.  she has been on IV nourishment through the dialysis and other complications, but she said "tomorrow, i think i'll start eating more".  she hasn't really wanted to eat much up until now.  another good sign.

she did have a visit from our senior pastor today.  i wasn't there, but she was happy to see a new face.  she also was visited by the rabbi at the hospital.  rabbi "elena" and my mom got to be chums during last year's hospital stay. combined with a call from pastor dave late in the day, she had a nice triple shot of "professional" spirituality.  tomorrow, maybe a priest, a presbyterian and a baptist. (this is starting to sound like a bad joke).

tonight, instead of her usual reminder to my father to call her sister, she suggested that they both call her in the morning... 

i just stopped typing because i had to answer the phone...it was my mom.  she called to see how rusty, her dog, was doing with us.  after a brief conversation with maggie, she said her goodnights to my dad.

....as i was saying, she is planning on calling my aunt irma in the morning.  when i was a kid, there was nobody, and i mean NOBODY, that could talk on the phone longer than my mother.  perhaps a new age of phone talking is at (dough boy) hand.  with at least 3 more weeks in the hospital, everyone may get a call (or 10). i wonder if they have cordless patient phones....

on these days, the posts are easier to write.  good things always are.

please keep the thoughts and prayers coming.  there is no doubt in my mind that they are working.  

many blessings,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Momentum, Cards, and Productivity

another good day for my mom.  she got to get rid of the dialysis this morning and is one step closer to being mobile.  her chest x-ray this afternoon was read as "improving" pneumonia which, i told me dad, is a lot better than "declining" or "worsening" pneumonia.  she has been on oxygen for the past few days and they are weaning her from that as well.  we're taking all the good news we can right now.  it feels like positive momentum.

my dad finally figured out the alarm clock in his room at our house and got an early start today.  as is his routine, he had some god-awful looking vegetable juice and headed to the hospital early.  i think he has been encouraged by her progress and is eager to see what each day brings.  

she looks a lot better and with the machines and gizmos slowly going away, her attitude is improving.  my dad, chris and i read her the letters, cards and blog posts that she has been receiving.  after each card, she reminded my dad to update them on her progress.  it went something like this, "now jim, you need to call and give them an update.  you should really call them."  it was very nice to listen, out loud, to the kind things people say and all of the prayers and thoughts that are ongoing.  if any of you are going for the "most frequent" card writer....relax.  my sister-in-law, angie, has an insurmountable lead (yes, there is another angie philpott).  i would put the card/note reading as a highlight of her (my) day.  she is in room #3304 at Jewish Hospital, 4777 e. galbraith road, cincinnati, ohio 45236.

we are slowly seeing her personality come back when it comes to the nursing staff. today, she was "sermonizing" (as i call it) to the nurse about how everyone needs to "do their best" whatever their job is and that "hard work", in any profession, is noble (or something).  i may have failed to mention that her current room has a full glass wall facing the nursing station where all of the staff congregates.  i guess she has been "studying" the productivity of the staff over the last couple of days. more to come on that, i'm sure.

oh, the hat ideas are pouring in.  some of you may know that, for many years, my mom dressed up as a witch for halloween.  (some of us think it was more often than halloween).  there has been a request for that hat/wig combination.  it does suit her.  keep the ideas coming.

well, my dad is in bed and my aunt irma has been called.  all is as it should be here in madeira, ohio.  

a couple personal housekeeping notes (because i have gotten some emails):
-  comments now work easier on the blog.  sorry.  that was my fault.  i had the settings wrong.  see the comment on yesterday's post for specific instructions if it doesn't work for you now.
- i added the ability for everyone to email the post to people they know by clicking on the little envelope below.  feel free.
- yes, the shift key on my computer works fine.  thank you very much.

many blessings and thanks for the continued prayers,

Monday, March 9, 2009

Another "good" day

as chemotherapy goes, i would characterize today as "good" for my mom.  she remains in the critical care unit of the bone marrow ward and is receiving excellent care.  she is still having dialysis and, to our knowledge, still has pneumonia although she has been on anti-biotics for that since saturday.  they gave her a morphine "button" today to help her with the pain.  it looks like she is a contestant on jeopardy.

so what makes it a good day then, tim?  (you ask)

well, this was the first day when she reluctantly told my dad that she thought she was feeling a little better.  now she does have the morphine, but she has so much wanted to feel better that, whatever the reason, it's a good day.

by the end of the day, her white blood cell count was almost to zero.  down from about 80,000.  this is a sign that the chemotherapy is doing what it needs to "kill" the bad cells (along with the good).  time will tell what her body is able to regenerate.  as i write this post, my dad is at my house talking to her ON THE PHONE.  she called here to make sure he called her sister.  dutifully, my dad called her sister.  despite all she is going through, she continues to worry (more) about the people around her.  she gives my dad a list of people to update every day.  count yourself lucky if you are on that list.  

she got some increased comfort today when they gave her a new bed.  it helps her change her position throughout the day.  she is basically immobile so this has provided some comfort as she spends the day in bed. 

her personal care physician visited today.  she hasn't been this excited to see a visitor since pastor dave weaver stopped in last thursday.  (i'm not jealous....really).  it's difficult to keep all the would-be visitors away from the hospital.  if you're reading this, you know my mother and she has a personal prayer army bigger than switzerland.  she only wants to see jim and "the boys" so we are enjoying the comforts of hospital chairs.  strangely enough, i've grown to appreciate the sound of my mother snoring (a little).  for a brief moment yesterday, all 4 boys and my dad were there.  the 6 of us haven't been alone in a room together for years probably.  i'm sad that i just realized that.

lastly, i have never known my mother to be a person who wore a hat.  sometimes she wears a baseball hat a little cocked to the side but it just doesn't look right on her.  following her stay in the hospital, she will probably wear a hat (or scarf) more often.  i'm sure she would appreciate any suggestions anyone has on what type of a hat or scarf to get.  i want her to wear a beret and talk with an accent.  chris wants her to wear a chef's hat.  please send her your ideas and we'll have her decide.  i always struggle with what to buy her for mother's day.

seriously, thank you very much for your continued prayers and thoughts for my mother.  it is no coincidence that she is feeling better with such a "family" of people standing with her.
