Saturday, May 2, 2009

slow and steady wins the race....

it's been a little while since my last post and i have had a few questions about my mom.  

well.....she is finishing her second round of chemo-therapy (out-patient).  She had the last treatment on Friday and is recovering at home with my dad.  she is pretty weak and spends most of her day relaxing in her chair.  despite the extended time in the chair, she much prefers it to the hospital (no offense all of you fine nurses at the hospital).  

i will update a little more often to keep you all in the loop.  you can feel free to send cards and/or notes to them at home.  she still very much enjoys the positive thoughts.

please keep her in your prayers and thanks to all who have inquired about her condition.  the additional treatments are not a surprise and are very necessary to get her beyond the leukemia in the "longer" term.  she had a second "clean" bone marrow scan last week and continues to be encouraged by that.

thanks to everyone for the thoughts/prayers.

"In the race for success, speed is less important than stamina."
- B.C. Forbes


1 comment:

  1. Dear Char,
    Although I am unhappy to know you are back in the hospital, it seems the place to be just now as you recover from the chemo. They can cover all the bases with whatever tests they deem necessary, and you won't have to eat Jim's cooking for a while! However, we are all anxious for you to get your strength back. Baseball season is underway, and I know you enjoy watching Drew play and coaching from the sidelines, and hopefully, that's where you'll be before long. Much love to you and Jim, Malissa
